Inhabitating or occupying? Approximation to the actual phenomenon

  • Maritza B. Granados-Manjarrés Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño. Departamento de Estética. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Keywords: architectonic critique, modernity, inhabitability, architectonic phenomenon, individualization


The question about the spaces that we live in, or we occupied, is the base on which this work is developed, and this arises from carefully watching the architecture that is projected nowadays in Bogota, but whose phenomenon can be transferred to the architectonic exercise. First, a reflection is made on the architectonic formal production, and the consequences of this production in the space experience like an event that should stimulate the senses. The conclusions of this first part show a phenomenon that is characterized to produce all type of architectures, whose main characteristic is formal indetermination, that is to say architectures that do not seem to belong anywhere, and by the same belong to all. Secondly, this phenomenon can be understood from Bauman´s Liquid Modernity which leads to formulate a place where it is possible to project architecture, a place that seems to be undetermined. Finally, more than conclusions, a series of questions are proposed to become spaces of investigation that could find its map course in this speculation.


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Author Biography

Maritza B. Granados-Manjarrés, Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño. Departamento de Estética. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Bogotá, 1980. Arquitecta de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Magíster en Lógica y Técnica de la Forma de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Profesora investigadora de los Departamentos de Estética y Arquitectura de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.



How to Cite
Granados-Manjarrés M. B. (2013). Inhabitating or occupying? Approximation to the actual phenomenon. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 25(3), 377-391.