Fear who said fear

  • Charo Garaigorta Artium (Centro-Museo Vasco de Arte Contemporáneo)
  • Susana Talayero Artista
  • Víctor Puente Servicio de Toxicomanías de Álava
Keywords: Autolearning Experiencial, Cinema and Education, Paradise Travel.


Fear who said fear is an educational project of the Department of Education and Cultural Action of ARTIUM encolaboración with the Day hospital of Addictions of Alava, which consists of the creation of a series of notebooks - diaries and a video that they work as loudspeaker of the thoughts, the emotions, the worries and the fears of his seven participants. The artistic creation appears as a way of sharing and debating questions that they have to see with the own vital experiences, in a mixture of humor and critical in that the group forms a part it activates.


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How to Cite
Garaigorta C., Talayero S. y Puente V. (2012). Fear who said fear. Arte, Individuo y Sociedad, 23(Esp.), 191-201. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_ARIS.2011.v23.36755