Socialist theatre in Portugal. From the founding of the Socialist Party of Portugal to the Estado Novo (1875-1933)

  • Beatriz Peralta García Universidad de Oviedo
Keywords: Theater, socialism, Portugal, Monarchy, Republic, Estado Novo


This article analyzes the theater written to be performed —without considering, therefore, the dramatic texts, which are literary exercises— by the socialist workers of Portugal between 1875, date of the founding of the Socialist Party, and 1933, when the Estado Novo was institutionalized. Our work is based on the consultation of newspaper sources, on the theatrical works that were printed and on critical bibliography on the subject, and its objective is to inscribe this dramaturgy in the history of Portuguese socialism describing its impact as a response to the challenges of industrial capitalism.


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How to Cite
Peralta García B. (2024). Socialist theatre in Portugal. From the founding of the Socialist Party of Portugal to the Estado Novo (1875-1933). Historia y Política, 52, 189-217.