The Women’s World Committee against War and Fascism and its relations with Spain

  • Sandra Blasco Lisa Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Keywords: Feminism, anti-fascism, Spanish Republic, transnational history


This article analyses the creation of the Women’s World Committee Against War and Fascism and their relations with Spanish antifascist women. I propose to think historically about the implications of the anti-fascist women’s movement by highlighting the exchange networks created throughout the first third of the century, especially in the 1930s, which converged in the Women’s Committee against War and Fascism and which were fundamental in the civil resistance to the coup d’état of July 1936.


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How to Cite
Blasco Lisa S. . (2024). The Women’s World Committee against War and Fascism and its relations with Spain. Historia y Política, 51, 277-303.