Helios Gómez: The invisibility of the Romani revolution

  • María Sierra Universidad de Sevilla
Keywords: Helios Gómez, political art, Roma people, USSR, communism, anarchism.


This article studies the political discourse of Helios Gómez, a Romani artist,who committed first to anarchism and then to communism in the interwar period.The analysis sets his account of the new Soviet society as a model to follow in thecontext of the large body of literature on the genre and at the same time interprets itin the light of the political cultures on which it draws. Moreover, it sets out to understandthe Romani identity of this graphic artist as the key to his capacity for transforminga common discourse into a utopian discourse full of projective boldness,one that called for ethnic equality as part of social justice. The article addresses thedifferent intersecting identitarian contexts—political, class, ethnic—that constitutethe framework from which to claim recognition of rights for the Roma minority,marginalized in the processes of political modernization.


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How to Cite
Sierra M. (2019). Helios Gómez: The invisibility of the Romani revolution. Historia y Política, 40, 83-114. https://doi.org/10.18042/hp.40.04