Georges Valois or the in/coherence of a non/conformist. A turn to fascism (1880-1925)

  • Joan Pubill Brugués Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Keywords: Georges Valois, fascistization, counterrevolution, fin-de-siècle crisis, fascism


The aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between the fin-de-siècle crisis and the birth of the Fascist experience in France taking into account the case of Georges Valois, whose discontent at the liberal order built in the 19th Century serves as a model. In order to understand the process of fascistization as the result of the revolt against the Third Republic, the work puts together the cultural framework and the national conceptions that emerged after the Sedan’s default. At the same time, all of these issues are connected by an interdisciplinary approach to the intelectual biography of Georges Valois. For this reason, a long term analysis that considers conjunctions as well as generations shifts has been used to a better comprehension of how mutable the political cultures were and how fascism emerged from the counterrevolutionary political space.


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How to Cite
Pubill Brugués J. (2018). Georges Valois or the in/coherence of a non/conformist. A turn to fascism (1880-1925). Historia y Política, 38, 195-228.