“The reconstruction of the nation”. Cultural homogenization and the nationalization of the masses in Francoist Spain (1936-1959)

  • Fernando Molina Aparicio UPV-EHU
Keywords: Nationalization of the masses, cultural homogenization, ethnonationalism, Spanish Civil War, Francoism


The Francoist state was founded as a radical solution to the historical confrontation between two great and mutually incompatible visions of the nation: the liberal and the Catholic one. Expanding on the concept of “national homogenization”, the article explores the processes of State formation in Eastern Europe as a pattern in the formation of the Francoist nation state. It argues that Francoism was substantially an ethnonationalist political regime that fostered an aggressive nationalization of the masses founded upon political violence and Catholic religion. As a result of this political program, which is analyzed, the Republican national community was dismantled and erased, and Spain was “reconstructed” as a culturally homogeneous Catholic national community.


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How to Cite
Molina Aparicio F. (2018). “The reconstruction of the nation”. Cultural homogenization and the nationalization of the masses in Francoist Spain (1936-1959). Historia y Política, 38, 23-56. https://doi.org/10.18042/hp.38.02