Fascism, national catholicism and popular religiosity. Conflicts over the significance of Dictatorship (1936-1940)

  • César Rina Simón Universidad de Extremadura
Keywords: Popular religiosity, franquism, fascism, rituals


The rituals related to the popular religion were symbolic mechanisms of legitimation of a regime that was built on the foundations of a folk and sacred anointing. These celebrations allowed to represent palingenetic narratives of the Franco regime in ideal spaces for socialization. At the same time, the potential of these rituals, deeply rooted in the Spanish society, developed them in scenarios of conflict of special interest to the contemporary historiography, which has impacted on the polyhedral ideological dimensions of the dictatorship. The multiple faces of the counterrevolution: fascists and fundamentalists, Catholics, and military members pushed to portray rituals as a means to represent the new State.


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How to Cite
Rina Simón C. (2018). Fascism, national catholicism and popular religiosity. Conflicts over the significance of Dictatorship (1936-1940). Historia y Política, 37, 241-266. https://doi.org/10.18042/hp.37.09