The Impact of the Recent Regionalization Reforms in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia: Concepts and Processes

  • Franz Xavier Barrios-Suvelza investigador
Keywords: regionalization, constitutional reforms, historical institutionalism, territorial design, Latin America


Whereas in Peru and Colombia the regional question of the Andean countries was constitutionalized at the end of the past century, in Ecuador and Bolivia it has gained prominence only in recent constitutional reforms. Research has paid attention to regionalization matters in Latin America mainly in relation to uneven development and governance, but not so much in relation to constitutionalism. This paper offers general explanations on the issue of regionalization from a constitutional perspective. It focuses on different regionalization patterns and their impact on the form of the State. Given that the regional question is handled differently in each of these countries, the paper first establishes a conceptual framework applicable to this group of Andean states. Thence it is shown that while regional construction in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru follows a pattern of aggregation on a macro-regional scale, this pattern has been irrelevant in Bolivia. Further, while in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru regionalization has not altered the unitary character of states, it has done so in Bolivia. The article posits that, to a large extent, divergences can be explained by reference to the trends of territorial formation followed by these states in the 19th century, according to the theses of compared historical analysis.


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Author Biography

Franz Xavier Barrios-Suvelza, investigador

currículum vitae: Franz Xavier Barrios-Suvelza es doctor por la Universidad Técnica de Berlin. Ha sido docente de maestría en la materia de „Regiones y Descentralización“ en el programa de postgrado de la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés en Bolivia. Entre 2005 y 2008 apoyó como asesor técnico las deliberaciones constituyentes en Bolivia y Ecuador en el área del ordenamiento territorial. Sus líneas de investigación actuales son la democracia, el Estado de Derecho y el llamado Nuevo Constitucionalismo Latinoamericano. Entre sus publicaciones destacan: “The Bolivian invention: plurinationality and indigenous people within an unusual composite state structure” (2012, en Federalism, Plurinationality and Democratic Constitucionalism, Requejo/Caminal, Editors); “Ni unitario, ni federal, ni autonómico: ¿Contiene la nueva constitución boliviana un invento de estructural territorial estatal?” en Revista d`Estudis Autonòmics i Federals (2011, Vol.13) y “Conceptos alternativos para comprender las grandes reformas descentralizadoras contemporáneas en Europa Occidental”, Revista de Estudios Politicos (2009, Vol. 144).

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How to Cite
Barrios-Suvelza F. X. (2017). The Impact of the Recent Regionalization Reforms in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia: Concepts and Processes. Geopolítica(s). Revista de estudios sobre espacio y poder, 8(1), 51-89.