Talentos matemáticos: análisis de una muestra
Mathematical Talents, Identification, Project Estalmat-Galicia
For decades, students who think and interpreted maths in a genuine, original and unique mode, through mathematical problems designed for subjects older than them, have been diagnosed as mathematical talents. Nowadays, different authors suggest a definition of mathematical talent based in features, stressing that these subjects are often able to provide unusually fast and accurate answers to mathematical problems proposed, and also have sufficient skills to set up relations between topics, concepts and ideas without a formal educational and directed guidance. In this study we want to determine which instruments are best suited to identify children with mathematical talent from a sample (189 subjects) pre-selected to participate in the Project called Estalmat-Galicia. Two instruments were administered to this sample: a mathematical proof formed by six developmental problems and the battery of mental skills of primary Thurstone (PMA).Downloads
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How to Cite
Pomar Tojo C. ., Díaz Fernández O., Sánchez Castaño T. . y Fernández Barreiros M. (2008). Talentos matemáticos: análisis de una muestra. FAISCA: Journal of High Abilities, 13(15), 30-39. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/FAIS/article/view/FAIS0808110030A