Mudejares payments and redemption of Christian captives in the bishopric of Malaga (1488-1497)

Keywords: mudejares, faults, amnesty, compensations, ransoms, bishopric of Malaga


The Mudejars had the duty of watching the land where they lived. As they didn´t keep them, the Christian settlers suffered economic losses, and, at worst, were taken prisoners. To avoid punishment, the Mudejares authorities begged the King´s pardon, and paid a sum of money in return. They promised to redress the wrongs done by the rebels Mudejares and raiders from abroad. And to pay for the ransom of the settlers made captives and taken to Granada, and later to the North of Africa. In this paper we study the origin and development of these payments during their short existence.


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How to Cite
López de Coca Castañer J. E. (2023). Mudejares payments and redemption of Christian captives in the bishopric of Malaga (1488-1497). En la España Medieval, 46, 207-227.