Savonarola alias Mosè. The Mosaic Code in the action of Girolamo Savonarola

  • Virginia Lauria Sapienza Università di Roma
Keywords: Savonarola, Moses, Preaching, Carnival, Symbols


The contribution intends to highlight the implicit Mosaic references to Savonarola's work and deeds. During the 15th century, references to the figure of Moses are frequent both in the papal sphere (as a political leader and legislator) and in the humanistic sphere (philosopher, magician, mystic). The Ferrarese friar is not exempt from using this figure to legitimise his prophetic inspiration and the task of guiding Florence towards a glorious future. The subject of the article is the use of certain implicit Mosaic references in two distinct moments: the Quaresimale of 1496, in which a subtext of references to the Mosaic event appears, and the event of the burning of the vanities of the following year. The elements characterising the Carnival event can be read as symbols of implicit legitimisation of the Mosaic value of Savonarola's work.

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How to Cite
Lauria, Virginia. 2023. “Savonarola alias Mosè. The Mosaic Code in the action of Girolamo Savonarola”. De Medio Aevo 12, nº 2: 331-41.