Limousin Washbasins in the Society of the 13th Century

  • Ángela Franco Mata Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Madrid
Keywords: Washbasin, Coat of Arms, Heraldry, Old France, Noble Family, Érec, Énide, Arthurian Cycle, Peace, War, Hunt, Court Life, Carole Dance, Minstrel, Musician


This article discusses the wide range of subjects represented in the washbasins (from latin gemellus, gemelo in Spanish), within the context of 13th century society. Religious subjects are scarcely treated in washbasins, they are usually more related to secular matters. Life at court and of the noble families is expressed in courtly scenes, such as those related to the Arthurian cycle, the crowning of Érec and Énide, using as subject source the books with legends of the mythic king. Dancing scenes are also depicted, like the Carole dance, so reviled by the church. Hunting outside the months of war, fighting scenes and a large series of washbasins with noble or royal coat of arms, provide a compendium of life in 13th century.

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How to Cite
Franco Mata, Ángela. 2015. “Limousin Washbasins in the Society of the 13th Century”. De Medio Aevo 4, nº 2: 95-130.