King-Makers. Queenship Awareness and Influence over the Heir Prince in Trastamaran Castile

  • Diana Pelaz Flores Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Keywords: Queenship, Motherhood, Crown of Castile, Trastamara Dynasty


The ability of the queen to secure the future of monarchy through her descendants is an element that bestows her with a singular power and, as a consequence, affirms her as a character of authority. This reality can be understood not only from the perspective of the consciously built mother-child bond, but also when it comes to endorsing the heir to the throne, an act which, as a whole, may be seen as an instrument of monarchical rhetoric. This paper seeks to approach the maternal role in the queens of House Trastamara, given their particular access to government, with the aim of understanding how the dialogue between masculinity and femininity is defined in the field of monarchic power through the royal couple shaped by mother and son.

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How to Cite
Pelaz Flores, Diana. 2020. “King-Makers. Queenship Awareness and Influence over the Heir Prince in Trastamaran Castile”. De Medio Aevo 9, nº June: 29-41.
Thematic issue