A New Source of Airs and Tonos in the France of Anne of Austria: The Louise de la Font Music Book
The Gallica portal from the Bibliothèque Nationale de France has recently made available manuscript RES VMC MS-155, linked to the young amateur musician Louise de la Font, which contains a significant number of texts from tonos with strummed guitar accompaniment. This new
source advances the study of the air espagnol in relation to a publishing context that favoured the popular dissemination of monody, and in particular the tono español, in France during the first half of the seventeenth century. Moreover, its numerous concordances and correlations reveal the popular nature of the pieces and enables their missing melodies to be reconstructed. The article also contains a detailed index of concordances of the 82 Spanish songs included in this extensive manuscript and the editorial reconstruction of a small sample of five of them that will be part of a sound recording.
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