Persistencia de la colonia en la música de la Catedral de Santiago de Chile: Las obras de José de Campderrós en el repertorio decimonónico

  • Valeska Cabrera S. Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile
Keywords: Campderrós, Cathedral, nineteenth century music


This article gives an account of the presence of the Catalan Kapellmeister José de Campderrós’ music in the repertoire of the Cathedral of Santiago de Chile between 1812 and 1886. His music remained in forcé despite the incipient nationalist ideology, resisting the Spanish influence, changes in the organization of the Cathedral’s chapel, and the emergence of modern styles in Catholic music. The study of these works will help to explain the continued presence of both the colonial tradition and the adoption of the modern style in the Cathedral’s music.


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How to Cite
Cabrera S. V. (2018). Persistencia de la colonia en la música de la Catedral de Santiago de Chile: Las obras de José de Campderrós en el repertorio decimonónico. Cuadernos de Música Iberoamericana, 19, 27-61.