Phonic characterization of (im)politeness in spoken Spanish (Valencia, Spain). A qualitative and quantitative approach

Keywords: (im)politeness, prosody, Oralstats, statistics



This paper presents the results of a qualitative-quantitative study of the Fonocortesia (Phonopoliteness) database ( Fonocortesia, collected thanks a project (FFI2009-07034-FILO) and carried out between 2009 and 2013, includes 278 samples of (im)politeness in spontaneous speech. These (im)polite fragments were selected and later analysed by the research team of the project, and have been now processed with the computational tool Oralstats (<>), which allows to carry out statistical analyses along with a basic exploration of speech databases. Thus, the previous qualitative approach has been completed applying a a factor analysis of mixed data (FAMD) that combines quantitative and qualitative data. Despite the important variation in the data, the general results point to a correlation between a) impoliteness with high values of F0 and ascending tonemes, but also b) politeness with high F0 values.


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Author Biographies

Adrián Cabedo Nebot, Universitat de València

Grupo Val.Es.Co.

Antonio Hidalgo Navarro, Universitat de València

Grupo Val.Es.Co.

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How to Cite
Cabedo Nebot A. y Hidalgo Navarro A. (2023). Phonic characterization of (im)politeness in spoken Spanish (Valencia, Spain). A qualitative and quantitative approach. Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación, 93, 131-149.