TAME, gramaticalización e interfaz sintaxis-pragmática del español y el mapudungún desde miradas funcionales y formales

  • Aldo Olate Vinet Universidad de La Frontera


The theoretical discussion in the traditions of contemporary grammar is an unappealable fact, formal and functional views are central when responding to a research problem; however, when phenomena are examined from different approaches, the scope of knowledge is enriched and amplified. The four works presented in this monograph combine diverse theoretical perspectives on the phenomena of Time, Aspect, Modality, Evidentiality, grammaticalization and syntax-pragmatic interface of Spanish and Mapudungun.
The particular field of work that each study addresses and the specific phenomena to which attention is paid seem disparate; however, they are based on nuclear problems of contemporary grammar (description, processes and interfaces). Thus, it is observed, from the functionalist tradition, the diachrony of the evidentiary system of the mapudungun spoken in the Ngulumapu and from the functional discursive grammar the unintentional agentivity of the periphrasis is explored pasar a + infinitive that characterizes the oral speech of the southern zone Chile. On the other hand, from formal theoretical perspectives, the continuous aspect of Spanish constructions formed by seguir + predicative structures (in a broad sense) is analyzed with the purpose of characterizing the relationship between the aspectual component and the type of situation: On the other hand, in the same formal line, the phenomenon of completion is studied based on the theory of inarticulate constituents with the purpose of analyzing these structures in terms of the established link between syntactic and propositional structure and, in addition, in their relation to preaching . The purpose of this monograph is to enrich the field of study of Spanish in general and that of Chile in particular and, in addition, to provide a first approach to the processes of grammaticalization of the Mapuche language, an Indo-American language spoken in Chile and Argentina.


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How to Cite
Olate Vinet A. (2020). TAME, gramaticalización e interfaz sintaxis-pragmática del español y el mapudungún desde miradas funcionales y formales. Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación, 81, 3-8. https://doi.org/10.5209/clac.67927