Translation analysis from Chinese into Spanish of the phraseological units in "La Fortaleza Asediada" (Wei Cheng by Qian Zhongshu)

  • Wu Fan 吴凡 Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (China).
Keywords: phraseological units; translation procedures; Chinese-Spanish; La Fortaleza Asediada


In this article we first of all deal with the characterization and classification of the Chinese phraseology and then we analyze the translation of phraseological units found in the novel Wei Cheng by Qian Zhongshu (1947) and its Spanish version La Fortaleza Asediada translated by Fisac (1992). The purpose of our paper is to explore the advantages and drawbacks of the strategies and procedures utilized to translate the phraseological units from Chinese into Spanish in order to find the most appropriate techniques for the phraseological translation between both languages. This study will be adequate as a guide to deepen this subject matter through future analysis of far reaching textual binomial.


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How to Cite
Fan 吴凡 W. (2019). Translation analysis from Chinese into Spanish of the phraseological units in "La Fortaleza Asediada" (Wei Cheng by Qian Zhongshu). Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación, 78, 317-334.