Discourse Analysis, Ideology and Neologisms: turismofobia, turistización and turistificación in the spotlight

  • Julia Sanmartín Sáez Grupo VALESCO. Dpto. Filología Española, Universitat de València.
Keywords: Cognition; ideological bias; neology; digital media


This research analyses three recent neologisms: turismofobia, turistificación and turistización. It attempts to prove its possible functioning as linguistic tools at the service of an ideological construction. To this end, departing from a psycholinguistic survey carried out with a sample of speakers’ conversations, it is observed, firstly, how would the listener interpret the three neologisms, considering only their naming, i.e. the distinct implied process of the words formation (like composition or suffixation). Secondly, these neologisms are analysed in several digital media (newspapers and blogs), focusing on five aspects of each discursive co-text: lexical co-occurrence of evaluative elements, articulation in notional fields, metalinguistic mention, typographic usage, and the derived neological constellation. Results suggest that turismofobia shows an ideological bias.


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How to Cite
Sanmartín Sáez J. (2019). Discourse Analysis, Ideology and Neologisms: turismofobia, turistización and turistificación in the spotlight. Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación, 78, 63-90. https://doi.org/10.5209/clac.64372
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