Tourist packages in French to promote online accommodation

  • María Elena Baynat Monreal IULMA-Universitat de València (España).
Keywords: Tourism packages;French language; hotel promotion; corpus linguistics; lexicon


In this article we use a comparable corpus of 3 million words in English, Spanish and French, compiled from private web pages of tourism accommodations. This was the basis for the creation of the Multilingual Tourism Dictionary (DMT) from the COMETVAL investigation team (Lexical and discourse analysis of parallel and comparable corpora –Spanish, English and French– from web pages of tourist promotions, FFI2011-24712, awarded by the Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness in 2012-2014). We focus on the lexical-semantic field of hotel management in the sub-corpus of the French language, analyzing the collocations used to propose tourism packages, which are indispensable elements for hotel promotion, as well as their lexical combinations.


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How to Cite
Baynat Monreal M. E. (2019). Tourist packages in French to promote online accommodation. Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación, 78, 17-32.
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