The importance of the prosodic factor in the study od discourse markers: Some problems in their acoustic-melodic analysis

  • Diana Martínez Hernández Universitat de València
Keywords: Discourse markers, functions, intonation, phonological parameters


The importance of the prosodic factor in the study od discourse markers: Some problems in their acoustic-melodic analysis This article is based on the hypothesis that certain discourse markers are inherently polyfunctional in accordance with their prosodic features. Focussing not only on the complexity deriving from their different functions and tonal variation, we will show how the analysis of their phonetic-phonological features has recently advanced in both, methods and their theoretical description as discourse units. To this purpose, we will discuss some experimental studies and their parameters, which have contributed to the development of more complex acoustic and melodic analysis tools.


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How to Cite
Martínez Hernández D. (2015). The importance of the prosodic factor in the study od discourse markers: Some problems in their acoustic-melodic analysis. Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación, 62, 105-124.