The need for an independent theory of lexicography: the complex road from theoretical linguistics to practical lexicography

  • Sven Tarp Aarhus University
Keywords: Lexicography, function theory, lexicographical methodology, online dictionaries


Lexicography and linguistics are two independent disciplines albeit historically interrelated through infinity of dictionary to the production of which knowledge of linguistics has been necessary. In spite of this interrelation between the two disciplines, it is worth remembering that there are also tens of thousands of dictionaries whose production did not require any specialized knowledge of linguistics, buy knowledge of other scientific disciplines according to the topic of each dictionary. Upon this basis it defends the idea of an independent theory of lexicography and introduces relevance as a criterion to evaluate the data included in the dictionaries and obtain a more profound knowledge of the real needs of the potential needs of the users of dictionaries. Finally, it discusses the theoretical and practical challenges of online dictionaries and the application of various techniques which may place lexicography in a position to serve a society demanding quick and easy access to information adapted to the needs of each user.


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How to Cite
Tarp S. (2014). The need for an independent theory of lexicography: the complex road from theoretical linguistics to practical lexicography. Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación, 56, 110-154.