La mujer como objeto del discurso publicitario en prensa malagueña del s. XIX
This article analyzes printed advertising in Malaga´s newspapers in the 19th century; those where women offer their services for domestic care, especially as a servant and wet nurse; in addition to other professions such as cooker, hairdresser, dressmaker and matron or midwife. From the study of a corpus of commercial messages, whether a purely informative nature (notices), or a pragmatic persuasive purpose (semi-advertisement and advertisements), we obtain details of the changing image of the supply and demand of services by the Malaga society throughout the century, with new proposals for new needs; in addition to information about the evolution and progressive development of working women in the 1800s. Commercial texts let us deepen into a developing discursive genre with a particular and characterizing textual architecture and verbal expression.
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