La ira y similares ilusiones

  • C. Terry Warner
Keywords: Rage, Self-deception, Self-delusion, Interpersonal behavior, Emotion, Action, Communicative strategies, Social reactions, Social being, <br>Rage, Auto-illusion, Comportament interpersonnel, Estrategies communicatives, Reactions socials


The author of this piece deepens into the phenomenon of the rage, as a peculiar emotional and interactive mechanism which causes the impression of an external cause to it and constitutes a characteristic self- delusion. The strategical, cultural and interactive aspects, as well as the psychological and emotional ones are considerate in here, drawing important conclusions about the effects that rage produces in the individual.

L’auteur de cette piece approfondit autour du phenomène de la rage en tant que mechanisme d’interaction que cause l’impresión d’ une cause extérieure et constitue son characteristique effect de autoillusion. Il étudie les aspects interactifs, culturels et estratégiques ainsi que les psychologiques et émmotionnels et considère les importants effects que la rage a sur l’ individu.


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How to Cite
Warner C. T. . (2009). La ira y similares ilusiones. CIC. Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación, 14, 33-63.