Cuestión de estilo. Práctica de resemantización, entre medios y política: el caso Beppe Grillo

  • Sara Saleri
  • Sara Spinelli
Keywords: Style, Mediatisation, Politics, Public Sp,


This article investigates the close relationship linking the style of a political subject with the mediatisation of public space; the style, on one hand, shows traces of the mediatisation, but, on the other hand, can succeed in restructuring the public space. Moreover, the creation of a style and of credibility, one of the main problems for any political subject, cannot be understood without considering the mediatic background where it takes place and where it finds its roots. The article starts from a general introduction to these issues and then it focuses on a specific Italian case: the building of a political identity by the comedian Beppe Grillo. He has built a distinctive style through the uninterrupted interaction and hybridization between different discursive sphere related to the public space: the traditional mediatic sphere, the virtual sphere of the blog and the appropriation of the public square.


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How to Cite
Saleri S. . y Spinelli S. . (2009). Cuestión de estilo. Práctica de resemantización, entre medios y política: el caso Beppe Grillo. CIC. Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación, 13, 143-167.