Negociación internacional. La perspectiva transcultural

  • Sin autor
Keywords: Negociation internationale, Selence Sociale, Psychologic Sociale, Considérations culturelles, Expérience professionnelle, Caractére nord-américain, Japonais, Mexicain, Franyais,


The author of Uds paper analyses great negotiation processes such as cross-cultural and international ones, using bis broad experience and knowledge in the field. 1-lis expertise goes from Social Psycbology wbich studies perception, processing of information and reaction to it, Lo Cultural and Social Sejence in which the formation of conventions and norms and the world of semantie nuances are important factors lo be considered. The aulbor seeks a holistie perspective whith sees the mutual influence of each level of analysis. together with bis own experience in [his area and bis know-how of negotia- [ion processes between people of cultures such as North-American, Mexican, Japanese and French.


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How to Cite
autor S. (2003). Negociación internacional. La perspectiva transcultural. CIC. Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación, 8, 133-177.