Tópica de la negociación

  • Fernando Miguel Pérez Herranz
Keywords: Origins of negotiation, Components of negotiation, Etymology of negotiation, Evolution of negotiation, Present worth of negotiation, Negotiation and diamerie subject, Negotial ion and mediation,


This article describes alí the «topica» or «common places» and elements of negotiation showing clearly the links of the concept in past times with «change» and «intercourse» ideas, and making visible its relationship with language and common understanding. Rich examples and descriptions are used to see how limitated and simple had negotiation become through history but also how negotiation has diversified in complex variations in theological disputes, as in many other times. Professor Pérez Herranz rescues the fundamental strength of negoliation as a mediation phenomenon, linked wiíh communication and human understanding, to assert its value in present times in which the aehievement of mutual respect, of a dignified life in a globalised society is essential as it is to understand the variety of existence basis which Philosophy always aimed at.


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How to Cite
Pérez Herranz F. M. . (2003). Tópica de la negociación. CIC. Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación, 8, 17-38. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CIYC/article/view/CIYC0303110017A