Eloísa Nos Aldás: “If there is a war and people die, behind that there are many decisions that could have been different; ideas and actions that should be other (interview)

  • Saïd Sbai
Keywords: Eloisa Nos, cooperation, communication, resolution of social conflict, social activism, culture


Interview with Professor Eloísa Nos Aldás, expert in Communication and Peace, on the occasion of her keynote speech at the ULEPICC International Congress. She is an expert in Cooperation, Communication and peace processes, and has a long career as a researcher in social conflicts, communication structures and cultural analysis.


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How to Cite
Sbai S. (2023). Eloísa Nos Aldás: “If there is a war and people die, behind that there are many decisions that could have been different; ideas and actions that should be other (interview). CIC. Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación, 28, 141-146. https://doi.org/10.5209/ciyc.88572