"Sy algunas quiebras en ellas oviese"...: Liquidity Crisis and Financial Failures in Castile at the End of the Middle Ages

  • Pablo Ortego Rico Área de Historia Medieval. Departamento de Ciencias Históricas. Universidad de Málaga
Keywords: Royal Treasury, taxation, financial failures, tax collectors, auction, John II, Enrique IV, Catholic Monarchs, Castile, Fifteenth century.


The Study of the financial failures observed in the ordinary royal incomes of Castile between 1430 and 1480, focused on the political and economic factors (normative framework, conflict, monetary policy, demographic crises, market variations) that affected in its development, and the mechanisms applied by the Royal Treasury and the financial operators to limit their impact, based on negotiation.


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How to Cite
Ortego Rico P. (2017). "Sy algunas quiebras en ellas oviese"...: Liquidity Crisis and Financial Failures in Castile at the End of the Middle Ages. Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, 42(2), 411-439. https://doi.org/10.5209/CHMO.58069