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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Submitting an article to this journal implies the acceptance of the Declaration of Originality and Authorship.
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  • The format of the file sent is OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF.

  • Web addresses have been included for references whenever possible.

  • DOI references have been included when available.

  • The text meets the reference and style requirements described in the Author Guidelines, which may be found in About the Journal.

  • If you are submitting something for a peer-reviewed section of the journal, please make sure you have followed the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review.

Author Guidelines

1. All papers submitted to Cuadernos de Historia Moderna CHM) for possible publication must be original and refer to early Modern History. They must conform to the requirements stablished in this publication guidelines and to the standards of quality and scientific rigour in accordance with the category of this journal. This will be a required criterion in the acceptance and evaluation of the proposed papers.

Articles must be submitted using the online platform OJS, which can be accessed at < After registering as an author, proceed according to the indications given in the application. Any queries regarding the submission of articles can be addressed to the journal secretariat (

2. Original papers that have been submitted simultaneously to other journals will not be accepted. If the paper has been presented or published before, totally or partially, in any scientific meeting (congress, seminar, etc.) or platform, the authors must inform the Journal of this circumstance when submitting it. They must also inform of any conflict of interest in relation to the work submitted for publication.

3. Papers will have a maximum length of twenty-five pages (equivalent to approximately 75,000 characters with spaces) for the “Estudios” section, twenty pages (60,000 characters with spaces) for the “Instrumentos” section, two pages for the “Crónica” section and another two pages for the Bibliographical Reviews section (equivalent to 7,500 characters). Where appropriate, it is understood that notes, tables, maps, charts, graphs, textual appendices, and bibliographies are included.

All graphic material must be original and not photocopied from other publications; the title and number of the table, map or graphic material must be indicated and always referred to in the text or in the notes, in order to be able to alter its placement if deemed necessary in the final layout of the cotribution. Illustrations shall be published in black and white.

A maximum of 10 illustrations will be sent. They must be presented in color or black and white, with maximum resolution in JPG/TIFF format, and must be numbered consecutively. The call in the text will adopt the following format: (fig. 1). The authors are responsible for the management of the reproduction rights. In addition to sending the images as independent files, they will be presented consecutively in a single Word or PDF document, accompanied by their respective references, to facilitate the review work.

4. The originals sent to the CHM Secretariat must be accompanied by the following information in a separate word document: the title of the contribution (in Spanish and English); the author's name; his/her academic qualifications; contact details (home and/or professional address, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses); details of the scientific institution to which he/she is linked; the date of submission of the article and a brief curriculum vitae (15 lines).

5. The journal is published primarily in Spanish, although articles may be published in other languages if these are the authors' mother tongue.

6. The text of the articles must be submitted in an anonymized version. All references, quotations, mentions and acknowledgements that could directly or indirectly identify authorship will be removed. The Journal will ensure that all texts comply with this condition before starting the evaluation process. Once the article has been accepted for publication, the author may submit the non-anonymized version.

7. Please include a 150 word abstract in Spanish and English of your paper including keywords in both languages. Paper must also include a final reference list.

8. Authors must state in the first footnote any financial or personal relationship with any public or private institution that could intentionally influence the results of their work.

9. Authors must declare any non-financial relationship that could cause a conflict of interest (personal, academic, ideological, intellectual, political or religious). Conflicts of interest must be disclosed at the time of the submission. A note entitled “conflict of interest” or “none” (in case of absence) will be published at the end of the article.

10. Cuadernos de Historia Modernapromotes the use of inclusive and unbiased language. Articles will not contain assumptions about beliefs or allegiances, and will avoid any claims of superiority relating to race, gender, culture or any other quality.

11. Manuscripts must be adapted to the following style guide:

11. a) All contributions will have this format: page size 24 x 17 cm., top and bottom margins 2,6 cm., left 2,1 cm. and right 1,8 cm.; Times New Roman and 12 points line spacing with an indent (0.5 cm) at the start of each new paragraph. Headings will be in bold and capital letters; first level sub-headings will be in italics.

11. b) Footnote marks in the main text shall always be preceded by a punctuation mark.

11. c) Quotations of more than four lines: Times New Roman 11, eleven space, and 1 cm. indented from the main text to the left without quotation marks. Footnotes: Times New Roman 10, eleven points line spacing. Paragraphs, words or quotations in a language other than Spanish (or the original paper’s language) will be in italics.

11. d) Documents and manuscripts references: type of sources (administrative records, letters, ...), author or producing institution, addressee (if known), date (place, day, month and year developed); and the current reference of the archive or library: full name of the archive or library (adding its acronym in capital letters in the first reference), sections, unit on the original language (legajo/leg, manuscript/ms., box/box, folder/carp., dossier/exp....), and foliation/pagination (if necessary and with the formula fol./fols. or p./pp.). Consider the following examples:

27 Consulta del Consejo de Estado sobre los preparativos de la embajada a Persia, Madrid, 21 de enero de 1613, Archivo General de Simancas (AGS), Estado, leg. 2.643, s. fol.

36 Copia de la “Relaçión de Juan Hervart tusón de oro de lo pasado en la investidura del tusón que se dio a Don Juan Baptista de Capua Príncipe de Caspuli y de Conca, por manos del Conde de Solre en la Iglesia del convento de St. Bernardino de franciscos descalços fuera de los muros de Madrid, en el día de St. Juan a 24 de junio 1633”, Biblioteca Nacional de España (BNE), Ms. 11.137, fols. 1r-10v.

If a source has already been mentioned in a previous footnote, an abbreviated reference will be made by the abbreviation of the archive or library included in the first mention.

11. e) Bibliographical references will follow The Chicago Manual of Stylewith the system “Notes and bibliography" as it appears in the following UCM link:

11. f) References to images: Author, Title, date, technique, measurements, city, institution [inventory number].

11. g) Consider the following formulas and abbreviations: ed./eds. (edition/editor/s); coord./coords. (coordinator/coordinators); dir./dirs. (director/directors); comp. (compiler); trad. (translation/translator); see (instead of: v./vid); p./pp. (page/pages); t./tt. (tomo/tomos); vol. (volume/volumes); vol./vols. (volume/volumes); fol./fols. (folio/folios); fig./figs. (figure/figures); lám./láms. (print/prints); cap./caps. (chapter/chapters); núm./núms. (number/numbers); leg./legs. (file/files); c. (box); c. (box); book (not shown); book (not shown). (box); libro (not to be abbreviated); exp. (expediente); carp. (folder); doc./docs. (document/s); ca. (circa instead of “ca.” or “h.”);

11. h) In main text, should always be used inverted commas (“example”). If these require further internal inverted commas, single inverted commas (ʻexampleʼ) should be used. To insert explanations, intermediate hyphens should be used as parentheses: -example of hyphens- and long dashes (⸺) should be used only for dialogues.

12. Once the manuscript has been received, the Editorial Board will check that the text submitted complies with the CHM style guidelines in no more than 15 days. If any formal defects are detected, the author will be notified so that he/she may adapt the text. After a first consideration by the Editorial Board, manuscripts will be double-blind reviewed by two independent, external experts, and by a third one if considered necessary.

13. The report could be considered “Accepted”, “Accepted with modifications” or “Rejected”. In the second case, authors will be suggested changes to be published. If it is rejected, authors will be notified of the reasons given by the reviewers. The main criteria in this evaluation will be: sources selected and methodology used, relevance and updating of the bibliography, compliance with publishing standards, writing in the language of publication, structure and originality, conclusions and the general scientific interest of the work, as well as its most significant contributions.

13a. The final acceptance, and therefore publication, of the articles submitted to Cuadernos de Historia Moderna will be subject to the author’s observance of all the journal's style guide (see point 11).

14. As a general criterion, articles will not be accepted from authors who have recently published in CHM, respecting in all cases a period of no less than five years since the last time. This criterion will not apply to the Bibliographical Reviews section, and to “Crónica” and “Instrumentos” sections.

15. The CHM journal pledges to initiate and complete the evaluation process within a period not exceeding one year, and to inform the author of the results. After receiving the referees´ reports, the author will have fifteen working days to make the necessary corrections and amendments, and to send the text to the secretariat of the journal, which will verify that the required changes have been made before proceeding to publication.

16. If the original is accepted by CHM, the author, once been informed, must communicate his/her agreement or resignation within a maximum seven days.

17. The CHM journal pledges to publish the accepted original within two years after its approval; otherwise, it must request the author's agreement to adjust the new publication date or the withdrawal of the accepted original.

18. In the proof correction process, no new variations or additions to the text will be admitted. Authors must correct the first proofs within fifteen days; otherwise, it will be understood that they accept the correction made by the Editorial Board of the journal. The second proofs will be corrected by the Editorial Board.

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