Access to specialized training for documentalists in Latin America. Analysis of its evolution as an explanation of a paradigm shift

  • Pablo Calvo de Castro Universidad de Medellín. Grupo ECA (Estudios de Cultura Audiovisual).
Keywords: Documentary cinema, Latin America, woman, higher education.


This work analyses the historical access of female documentary filmmakers to higher education and film schools in Latin America. Data are extracted from a cross-sectional study of documentary filmmaking in the region, with an emphasis on the influence of regional film schools on the increase in numbers of female documentary directors in the last decades. This approach opens up an exciting field of study in which access to high education affects the emergence of feminine and feminist discourses, within a creative sphere ignited by a constant fight against inequality, and the need for investigating critical issues facing our world.


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How to Cite
Calvo de Castro P. (2018). Access to specialized training for documentalists in Latin America. Analysis of its evolution as an explanation of a paradigm shift. Comunicación y Género [Communication and Gender], 1(2), 161-171.