Databases and repositories
- L’Année Philologique
- Dialnet
- Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
- Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)
- REDIB. Red Iberoamerica de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico
- ROAD. Directory of Open Access Resources
- Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory
Política Open Access
Evaluation systems
- CARHUS PLUS+ 2018: Level D Philology, Linguistics and Sociolinguistics
- CIRC 2023:
- Humanities C
- Dialnet Metrics 2023
- Impact index: 0.11
- Rank: 4/26 (C1 Classical Philology)
- Rank: 97/318 (C2 Philology)
- ERIH PLUS by Dimensions
- Seal of Quality 2023
- Ranking 2023
- Score: 25.02
- Rank: 60/80 (C3 Linguistics)
- Score: 28.18
- Rank: 59/86 (C3 Literature)
- Score: 25.02
- Google Scholar Metrics (2019-2023)
- Index h 4
- Median h 4
- Journal Citation Reports 2023
- Journal Impact Factor: 0.2
- Journal Citation Indicator: 0.75
- Rank: 27/60 (Q2 Classics)
- LATINDEX Catálogo v2.0 (2018- ): 36 characteristics fulfilled out of 38
- MIAR 2023: c1+m1+e2+x4