Los adornos de la puella como medio de comunicación en Tibulo y Propercio

  • Virginia Alfaro Bech
Keywords: Kinesis, Body, Language of objects, Clothes, Make-up and hair care


Elegiac poets sometimes assumed, without fully realizing its implications, the importance of non-verbal communication to define their beloved women and recreate love affairs and situations. Non-verbal directions constitute an important complement to achieve a more defined image of the puella and her social milieu. In the present essay we will be dealing with both body language and the language of objects –clothes, jewellery, make-up and hair care– which in the elegiac poets’ writings acquire a dynamic value and add to the verbal fields related to the habits and customs of a female sector of society in the age of Tibullus and Propertius.


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How to Cite
Alfaro Bech V. . (2010). Los adornos de la puella como medio de comunicación en Tibulo y Propercio . Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios Latinos, 29(2), 35-52. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CFCL/article/view/CFCL0909110035A