Un resumen inédito de los Strategemata de Frontino como fuente del libro XII del De Preconiis Hispanie de Gil de Zamora

  • Mª Felisa del Barrio Vega
Keywords: Gil de Zamora, De Preconiis Hispanie, Vegetius, Epitoma rei militaris, Frontinus, Strategemata,


In the studies about the De Preconiis Hispanie by Juan Gil de Zamora it is considered that the main source of the two last books of the work (XI and XII) —which are about military strategy— is the Epitoma de re militari by Flavius Vegetius Renatus; if this is true for the XI book, it is untrue for the XII book, though. We have been able to identify the source of this last book of Gil de Zamora’s work after revising the manuscript tradition of Vegetius’s text: it is an unknown summary of the Strategemata by Iulius Frontinus, which has been copied under the title of Dicta et exempla ducum in bello, inside the text of the De re militari, and which has been kept in the ms. Vaticano Palatino Latino 1571.


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How to Cite
Barrio Vega M. F. d. . (2006). Un resumen inédito de los Strategemata de Frontino como fuente del libro XII del De Preconiis Hispanie de Gil de Zamora. Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios Latinos, 26(1), 101-146. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CFCL/article/view/CFCL0606120101A