Analysis of the prologue to Book II of the Historia Francorum by Gregory of Tours: its programmatic sense

  • Francisco Javier Tovar Paz Universidad de Extremadura
Keywords: Gregory of Tours, Historia Francorum, historiography, Merovingian politics, Bible.99-511


The study offers an analysis of the Prologue to Book II of the Historia Francorum by Gregory of Tours based on the historiographic project that the text itself advocates. In the alternation and overlapping between religious, political and chronological motifs, this prologue provides the stylistic and literary genre considerations that allow the interpretation of the work as a whole in the manner of a vade mecum for the Merovingian monarchs while, based on the Book of Kings of the Old Testament, it allows the perception of the work as a whole as a biblical continuatio.


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How to Cite
Tovar Paz F. J. (2020). Analysis of the prologue to Book II of the Historia Francorum by Gregory of Tours: its programmatic sense. Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios Latinos, 40(2), 231-246.