Las definiciones de las siete artes liberales y mecánicas en la obra de Ramón Llull. The definitions of the Seven Liberal Arts and the Mechanical Arts in Ramon Llull

  • Ricardo Da Costa


Being part of a post-doctoral research undertaken at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (Barcelona), kindly sponsored by a grant from the Generalitat de Catalunya, this article analyses the definitions and classifications pertaining to the seven liberal and mechanical arts, as presented in the following works of Ramón Lull: the Libre de contemplació en Déu (1274 1276), the Doctrina Pueril (c.1274) and the Arbre de ciència (1295-1296).


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Comment citer
Da Costa R. (2006). Las definiciones de las siete artes liberales y mecánicas en la obra de Ramón Llull. The definitions of the Seven Liberal Arts and the Mechanical Arts in Ramon Llull. Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 23, 131-164.