Contemplación y Belleza en Plotino

  • Maria Simone Marinho Nogueira
Keywords: Contemplation, Beauty, Unity, Return


This article intends to show that the return according to Plotinus passes, primarily, by an intellectual preparation that has as objective to avoid the fall of the soul upon contemplating the sensitive beauty. We will also try to show that the way back, is a contemplative way, since the various grades of contemplation correspond to the various stages in the search of the divine and that man upon contemplating the sensitive beauty through the soul, raises himself to the Intelligence, and this One, contemplating the One is simplified with him. This way we will highlight that there is a close relation between the contemplative activity and the idea of beauty as the man upon contemplating, contemplates the beauty and by doing this, he returns to the One: principle and foundation of the plotinian philosophy.


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How to Cite
Marinho Nogueira M. S. (2005). Contemplación y Belleza en Plotino. Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 22, 29-39.