Relectio theologica. Diego de Cisneros, Montaigne’s translator (1584-1637)

Keywords: Cisneros, Pacheco, Quevedo, Montaigne, translation, theology, censorship.


In this article, we analyze some of the reasons why the translation made by the “Portuguese” Diego de Cisneros of Montaigne’s Essays between 1634 and 1637 obtained the ecclesiastical license, but not the civil one. It also clarifies the meaning of the nota caute lege, which Cisneros used to guide his work as a translator. In order to understand the mentality from which he carried out his task, a study of his biographical and intellectual trajectory has been carried out, as well as his performance at the Madrid court in defense of the “Hebrew Christians”. Our research concludes that it was not Cisneros’ prologue to his translation that led to the banning of the Essays, which had already taken place in 1632, but the fact that Montaigne’s work, according to the Index of banned books, had to be previously expunged by the censors of the Holy Office, which never happened.


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How to Cite
Aranzueque Sahuquillo G. (2024). Relectio theologica. Diego de Cisneros, Montaigne’s translator (1584-1637). Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 41(3), 553-566.