The differentiated complementarity. On the mode of relationship of the totality of (un)conditioned in Kant's transcendental logic

  • Pedro Horacio Sepúlveda Zambrano Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
Keywords: Differentiated complementarity, totality, (un)conditioned, Kant, transcendental logic


This article presents the mode of relationship of the totality of the conditioned and the unconditioned in Kant's transcendental logic. For this purpose, the argument reconstructs the elements that open the treatment of the transcendental dialectic in the Critique of Pure Reason, i.e., illusory appearance and ideas of reason. This way of reading the doctrine of transcendental synthesis of the conditioned and the unconditioned describes the differentiated complementarity between these two areas, giving each one its right, place and mission.


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How to Cite
Sepúlveda Zambrano P. H. (2023). The differentiated complementarity. On the mode of relationship of the totality of (un)conditioned in Kant’s transcendental logic. Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 40(1), 49-56.