Revolution and mystics in Gustav Landauer

  • VALERIO D'ANGELO Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Keywords: coomunity, landauer, mysticism, revolution, utopia


The present article wants to investigate the role of mysticism in Gustav Landauer’s
political theory. I will defend the thesis according to which “revolutionary conservation” that
characterizes Landauer’s political proposal has to be framed inside the mystical notion of history,
based on a recovery of the past as a tool for political emancipation. To this end, in the first paragraph
I will analyze the utopian and messianic content of landauerian notion of revolution and, in the
second paragraph, the proposal regarding a new socialist community. Finally, I will conclude
that revolutionary romanticism which entails the author’s political theory, as well as his constant
reference to political and social life during the Middle Age, can be properly understood in the light
of a messianic anarchism, where a sui generis form of spirituality and the recovery of the past play a
leading role for an authentic revolutionary project.


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Author Biography

VALERIO D'ANGELO, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Valerio D'Angelo es doctor en filosofía por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid con una tesis titulada "La noche del mundo. Un análisis de la relación entre nihilismo y política". Su ámbito de investigación es la teoría política moderna y contemporánea, sobre todo el marxismo, el anarquismo, el pensamiento de Max Stirner, la biopolítica y el italian thaught.
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How to Cite
D’ANGELO V. (2019). Revolution and mystics in Gustav Landauer. Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 36(2), 441-460.