The skeptic Pyrrho of Elis: the last pre-Socratic and his connection with the Abdera school.

  • Ramón Román Alcalá Universidad de Córdoba
Keywords: Scepticism, Pyrrho of Elis, Metrodoro of Chios, Anaxarco, Nausifans, Democritus, atomism, epistemology, knowledge.


Pyrrho of Elis is known as the beginning of Greek skepticism. We already know today that
this information, biased, comes more from the need of Enesidemo to refound the movement, than from
the philosophical reality. In this paper we show that Pyrrho was not aware of being a skeptic, nor did he
initiate any new philosophical doctrine. His later recognition as a skeptic should rather be framed in the
natural development of the Abderite philosophy, through Metrodoro of Chios, disciple of Democritus,
Anaxarco master of Pyrrho and Nausifans his disciple. And all due to the adventurous desire of the
character to enroll in the entourage of Alexander the Great.


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Author Biography

Ramón Román Alcalá, Universidad de Córdoba

Catedrático de Filosofía

Director Dpto. Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades

Director Cátedra de Participación Ciudadana

Universidad de Córdoba

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How to Cite
Román Alcalá R. (2019). The skeptic Pyrrho of Elis: the last pre-Socratic and his connection with the Abdera school. Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 36(2), 321-334.