Duty and “the just” in the phenomenological ethics: towards a material deontological ethics

  • Pilar Fernández Beites Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: material deontological ethics, value, utilitarianism, person.


This article defends that ethics of values developed from classical phenomenology includes an interesting theory of duty. Developing some thesis of Max Scheler, here it is proposed a phenomenological notion of “duty” (or “the right”, if we use the term of Ross), which is linked to a very peculiar value: the value of “justice”. This allows to keep away the phenomenological ethics of values of all kinds of “consequentialism” and bring it closer to the “deontological” ethics. But the duty of phenomenological ethics is not formal, but founded on the value, so that we could speak of an “material deontological ethics”, which aims to serve as a mediation between the two great classical paradigms.


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How to Cite
Fernández Beites P. (2017). Duty and “the just” in the phenomenological ethics: towards a material deontological ethics. Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 34(3), 645-661. https://doi.org/10.5209/ASHF.56805