“Das Unsterbliche mit dem Sterblichen zu verbinden“. On the principal thought of Plato’s philosophy according to Schelling

  • Fernando M. F. Silva Centro de Filosofía da Universidade de Lisboa.
Keywords: Creation, death, myth, philosophy, Plato, Schelling


Bearing in mind the unequivocal assumption that there is a common spirit between Plato and the period of German Idealism, the following essay aims at proving this very thesis by analyzing the set of annotations entitled “Über den Geist der Platonischen Philosophie”, written by Schelling still in a prephilosophical stage of his spiritual evolution. From this analysis, and the myths therein contained, we hope to derive clear indications not only of the historical-mythological framework behind the idealist philosophy, but also of the possibility that these myths give rise to the first signs of Schelling’s individual philosophy.


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How to Cite
Silva F. M. F. (2017). “Das Unsterbliche mit dem Sterblichen zu verbinden“. On the principal thought of Plato’s philosophy according to Schelling. Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 34(3), 623-644. https://doi.org/10.5209/ASHF.56804