From erudite romanticism to scientific judgment: bibliographical balance of the scholarship on Fernando de Cordoba

  • Miguel Saralegui universidad Diego Portales (Chile)
Keywords: Fernando de Cordoba, bibliography, spanish philosophy.


Fernando de Córdoba is one of the greatest Spanish philosophers of the XVth century. Because of the academical neglection of this philosopher, only exists one modern edition of his works and no translation to Spanish of his books originally written in latin. The signification of his thought –he was the first to participate in the Aristotle-Plato controversy, being the first to deffend Plato in laudibus Platonis– demands to fill this absense of studies. As a preliminary step, this article studies the trend of bibliographical scholarship since it was born one hundred and fifty years ago. Most of these studies offer a prejudicial view of Cordoba, normally including him in more polemical debates, such as the one of the existence of Spanish Philosophy. The object of this article is to offer a guide to those who want to pursue in the study of Fernando de Córdoba, informing about which works could serve for the more elaborate research and which should be discarded.


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How to Cite
Saralegui M. (2015). From erudite romanticism to scientific judgment: bibliographical balance of the scholarship on Fernando de Cordoba. Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 32(1), 93-125.