The Telos Alluded in the Ortega’s Philosophy of Art (the Historicism that Nicol Ignores in his Review)

  • Enrique Ferrari Nieto Université de Fribourg | Universität Freiburg
Keywords: avant-garde art, autonomy of art, generation, historical reason, J. Margolis.


Eduardo Nicol studies the Ortega’s historical reason: the historicism with which he reorients his vitalism. But in his review he does not include the philosophy of art: how Ortega interprets the avant-garde art as the symptom of a new era, because he understands that the defense of the autonomy of art by young artists responds to their understanding of art as inconsequential (in line with a new sensitivity vital in the early twentieth century). My thesis: With his notion of generation, Ortega starts his analysis of new art from its condition of historical product. Understood a telos for art history that places it closer to the target (pure art) than romantic art (its opposite).


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How to Cite
Ferrari Nieto E. (2014). The Telos Alluded in the Ortega’s Philosophy of Art (the Historicism that Nicol Ignores in his Review). Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 31(2), 461-482.