Topology of ontological patence. On the relation man-being in Heidegger and Severino

  • Jaime Llorente Departamento de Filosofía del I.e.S. “Campo de Calatrava” (Ciudad real)
Keywords: Alterity, Being, eternity, Freedom, mutual belonging, place of requirement.


The present article seeks to show the convergence between the “anthropological” conceptions derived from Heidegger and Severino’s theses concerning the truth of being. Both philosophical proposals conserve several essential points of coincidence in reference to their common consideration of the human as a “place” or tópos in which the manifestation of being occurs, and where being gains access to illumination and language (in spite of their divergent points of view about relation between being and temporality). In opposition to the theoretical perspective shared by both philosophers, the study proposes the surmounting of the underlying intuition to this perspective, and its replacement by an equally non-metaphysical understanding concerning relation between man and being that resorts to a kind of link between them more original than the bond indicated by the concept of “mutual belonging”.


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How to Cite
Llorente J. (2012). Topology of ontological patence. On the relation man-being in Heidegger and Severino. Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 29(1), 241-264.