The feminist and sociopolitical commitment in the artistic and pedagogical practices of future artists and artist-teachers in Chile
This article shows part of the results of the research “New links and challenges between the artistic and the pedagogical. Opening fields towards a re-conceptualization of art and the role of the artist in today's society”. Interest arises from changes in language and contemporary artistic practices, which demand a social and political role for the arts and where the meaning of these practices goes beyond an aesthetic product, giving way to the possibility of meeting and interactions where new spaces are articulated that promote social transformation. The results of the study show how the student body of Arts in Chile finds in feminism a space to legitimize these changes as an artistic-pedagogical possibility that is gendered, collaborative and critical. This enables them to activate new knowledge and relationships that are promoters of new social synergies. Future artists and artist-teachers have a feminist and sociopolitical commitment in their artistic practices from a mediating perspective, where the arts are not an end in themselves, but rather a tool for social transformation.
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