La creatividad de la publicidad exterior: teoría y práctica a partir de la visión de los creativos

  • Eva Breva Franch
  • Consuelo Balado Albiol
Keywords: Out-of-home advertising, Creativity, Formats, Impact, Media


New technologies and their adaptation to advertising media are stirring a revolution in the creative use of the media, and out-of-home advertising is no exception in this new field. However, the rules and standards regarding the use of this medium cannot be neglected if formats full of scarcely effective and shocking advertisements are to be avoided. In these cases, the amount of text prevents the public from reading and understanding the message, and even the use of colours and typographies are of no help at all to create an impact in a medium which is capable of achieving a higher degree of publicity for its brands than any others, such as television. After an initial analysis of the theoretical framework that deals with how creativity should be in the out-of-home medium, this study sets out to analyse the way creatives in agencies, who are those who apply theories in the end, face out-of-home advertising.


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How to Cite
Breva Franch E. y Balado Albiol C. . (2009). La creatividad de la publicidad exterior: teoría y práctica a partir de la visión de los creativos. Área Abierta. Revista de comunicación audiovisual y publicitaria, 22, 1-1.