Neither Nominated nor Winners: Women in the Goya Awards (1987-2021)
This article analyses the presence of women in the Goya Awards from 1987 to 2021. It is studied both globally, according to whether they are candidates, nominees or award winners, and according to the 19 award categories identified. The aim is to analyse their presence as authors both comprehensively and by category in order to identify whether there is parity in any of the categories analysed. The categories with the highest and lowest number of women, those which have awarded the first prize to a woman or those which have done so later, have also been identified.
Findings show a positive but still insufficient evolution over time towards parity, given that the number of female award winners, nominees, and candidates, except in three categories, is significantly lower than that of men. However, if the increase in women's presence observed continues, it is to be hoped that the situation will improve over time.
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